Sunday, October 10, 2010

There really isn't too much point of trying to catch this thing up on the past several months. My grand plans of blogging at least once a week really fell through while out in Montana. Partly, this was due to a bad internet connection. Another issue was the amount of times I went out on backpack at the end of the summer (a wonderful problem, to be sure). But there really is no excuse for my not having given a single entry since returning to South Dakota in the middle of August. A lot has happened since then, including vacation down South with the family, and a minor crisis of where my life is going. Turns out, I didn't do as much thinking about it as I thought I had while traveling. I'm finding that that's OK though. I'm in a pretty good place right now, and I'm thankful for that. I have a job interview for the public library in less than two weeks, and am substituting most everyday. This weekend I am in Decorah, IA visiting a number of friends I worked with this past summer. So life is good. I'm optomistic about the future wherever it may lead.

There is a lot to look forward to. If I get this job, then terrific! I have a friend to stay with and could accomplish a lot of projects that have been either put on hold or dreams since I left two Junes ago. Should I not get it, then I have nothing holding me anywhere, and can dream up at least wherever I would like to go. Possibilities, possibilities...

One goal I have is to upload some photos from this summer here, so that will most likely be my next post. On top of that, since I am now in a place where my internet is reliable, there is no reason I cannot accomplish my goal of posting once a week. Come on, something worth typing about has to happen in the span of seven days, right? If not, then that's when I need to ask the question about where is my life going!

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