Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, July 25, 2009 - A Parade and the Muppets

If every weekend I have in Seattle ends up like this last one, I will be a very happy guy. Mt. Rainier gets it's own post, so today lets just talk about last Saturday.

It started on Saturday morning with the West Seattle Parade. I have to admit that normally, things like fireworks and parades don't really do it for me. That has not held true this summer. Maybe it was all the free stickers I got just for sitting on the curb, or the fact that I got some candy from a politician, but I had a lot of fun at this parade. My initial reason for going was that the church which Dave and his family go to had a float that his dad, brother, and sister were singing on (I must also add that they won the competition for best local float). But there were police doing trick on motorcycles from Canada, old actors from local public broadcast television, and young girls pretending to be flappers, and a pirate ship on wheels!

Dave and I left before the parade was over, which may also be why I enjoyed it since I didn't have to stay longer that I wanted to. We at on of the fast food restaurants, Taco Time, which is prevalent out here but unknown in the Midwest. They had what tasted just like Potato Ole's, so I was happy. Our plan for the day was to take the water taxi across from West Seattle to the city and go to the Science Fiction Museum to see the traveling Jim Henson exhibit.

I must admit that for someone who loves the Muppets, I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for Gonzo, Ms.Piggy, Rizzo the Rat...really the whole Muppet gang. I got to see Kermit, Bert, and Ernie. Not to say that seeing these guys wasn't awesome, but there was just a shortage of actual Muppets on display. It really was more about Jim and him developing the ideas for his projects which I should have gathered from the exhibit title. However, between this and all the Star Wars stuff in the permanent collection, it was well worth the $7.50 we paid to get in.

And here's a fun fact: Did you know that Fraggle Rock was the first US television show to be aired in post-Soviet Russia?

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