Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 - Stuff

It's raining here in Seattle, and I'm waiting to see if my boss will call and let me know if we are working today. It was also raining last night when my flight got in at 8:40 (I was in Sioux Falls for the past four days, primarily for a wedding). If I am remembering the past seven or so weeks correctly, this is the longest stint of rain that we have had here since my arrival. However, I suppose that as each passing day marches us closer to September, I should start to brace myself for the inevitable clouds and rain that come with living in the Northwest.

Again, I must apologize for how long it took for me to post my last entry. It was actually written long before it was posted, but I was not able to get it to show. Once I figured out the problem, I felt quite stupid.

As I mentioned above, I was home this past weekend for the wedding of two good friends. It was an incredibly refreshing trip, which means that I have stopped feeling like a tourist here in Seattle and more as though I am just living here. But it was also interesting for me to note that in some ways after being home for a couple of days, I felt as though my time in Seattle had come to completion, and it almost caught me off-guard to be returning here on Monday evening. I am happy to be back as there is so much more to see and do, but this was a feeling which I was not expecting.

My time at home was filled with catching up and a bit of relaxation. Friday night I was happy to be picked up and eat dinner with my mom, as well as see some of my old coworkers from Horace Mann. Saturday I bought new running shoes (which my knees had been asking for for quite some time) and broke them in playing a round of golf with some of my high school friends, one of which will soon be married. So, it turned out that I rushed from a bachelor party to a wedding. Sunday was Perkins with a small group of my family, followed by a very enjoyable afternoon with my mother and an evening with good friends. I even had a great run on Monday morning and coffee with one of my favorite people! Yes, in many ways I could have stayed much longer...

I am not going to make promises, but realizing that I certainly am on the downhill portion of my time in Seattle, there are several things which I am going to try to do more of. One is running. Now that I have these new shoes, I need to get out more than just a couple times a week. Another is riding my bike. Believe it or not, I have only been on it once this summer. But I am also hoping to post more frequently, both for your benefit as well as my own.

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